Parking Garage Restriping: Everything You Need to Know

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If you’re a large business or government agency, you want to consider having a parking garage to accommodate your guests. These structures are increasingly becoming a convenient option to conserve space over huge parking lots. Garages are also more secure from thefts and the weather. While the maintenance of a large parking garage is very important, the asphalt striping for the parking spaces, especially ones marked for handicap accessible, are essential.

If you’re considering constructing a parking garage, we’d love to help you get started!

An essential part of the process involves painting the pavement with clear lines to optimize traffic flow and improve safety. Over time, however, these paint lines fade with high volumes of vehicles and pedestrians coming and going.

You’ll need to periodically restripe your parking garage for three big reasons:

1 – Aesthetic Appearances:

Parking garages sometimes have a bad reputation for being creepy or unsafe. Untidy appearances are often the reason for this perception. A neatly striped garage is a good first impression that shows that you care about your property and the people in it.

2 – Safety:

Weathered, faded parking stripes are hard to see, and can contribute to poor parking. Vehicles parked poorly results in inefficient use of space at best and property damages at worst. Crisp, clean parking lines prevent accidents by promoting effective traffic flow and better parking.

3 – Regulation Compliance:

Noncompliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines could result in fines and/or loss of customers. Providing accessible parking for all customers should be your primary goal.

Costly Risks You Can Avoid with Proper Striping

Keeping your parking garage well-maintained is going to save you money by reducing risk from lawsuits and lost business, including:

  • A customer who finds your parking garage challenging to navigate, untidy looking, or unaccommodating is unlikely to return, costing you business.
  • You may receive huge fines after a government inspection for non-ADA-compliant parking garages.
  • Property owners have what’s called “legal duty of care,” an obligation to maintain safe premises; issues such as poor stripe visibility could result in an unwanted injury claim.

Avoid these expenses by making restriping part of your regular parking garage maintenance.

When Should You Restripe Your Garage?

Parking stripes are exposed to many natural elements which cause them to wear down over time. Your parking garage lines will fade, but the rate at which they do so depends on the volume of vehicle and pedestrian traffic, exposure to weather and sunlight, and the paint quality of the original striping job.

You should restripe your parking garage anywhere from every 12 to 24 months, depending on how much wear your stripes are showing. Some professionals say you should restripe when stripe visibility is down 25%, while some say it should be part of your annual maintenance. The best rule of thumb would be to ask yourself, “does it look great?” If it doesn’t, give us a quick call for an inspection and free quote.

Breaking Down the Costs of Asphalt Striping

The average cost to restripe a parking garage will depend on three main factors:

  • The size of your garage: a large parking garage will not only have more spaces, but will likely have more “extras”, such as enter and exit signs, arrows, and wheelchair accessible signs; not to mention, any guidelines in the driving lane.
  • The number of spaces: many companies charge by the square foot, so the majority of your cost is going to be directly related to the number of lanes and space you’ve got.
  • The layout: you might need to restripe your parking garage to maximize space and efficiency. In this case, we might consider the planning time and any design proposals in your quote.

These three are going to be your big influencing factors, but there are a few other costs you may need to keep in mind, such as the type of paint and whether or not your restriping company charges a mobilization fee.

The best way to price a parking garage restriping job will be to call and ask for an estimate. Someone will come to you, analyze the job by looking at the factors above, and quote a price which will reflect the materials and time needed plus a fair profit.

The Three P’s of Garage Restriping

The step-by-step process for restriping a parking garage is relatively straightforward and involves just three Ps.

1 – Price:

First, you’ll talk to the experts and explain to them the condition of your current parking garage striping. Tell them what you’re looking for, and they’ll advise you on a fair quote.

2 – Plan:

Before paint hits the pavement, your restriping expert will use precision measurements to verify the layout and create a restriping plan, keeping in mind local codes and regulations.

3 – Paint:

Your restriping experts will use a marking machine to quickly and carefully restripe your parking garage. This step is usually done in two coats to achieve the correct stripe thickness, between 13 and 15 millimeters.

How Long Will it Take for the Paint to Dry?

You don’t need to stress over the drying of the paint. Thanks to our advanced technology, your parking garage restripe will be dry to the touch and safe to drive on within minutes.

The entire process is faster than you think, depending on who you choose for the job. At Limitless Paving & Concrete, we can generally accommodate high priority jobs, and can typically be on-site in 24 hours if necessary.

Things to Keep in Mind:

Don’t forget about ADA Guidelines for Restriping!

If your parking garage is not already ADA compliant, you’ll need to ensure that your restriping job includes a new layout plan to add accessible parking markers. The ADA’s business brief for restriping parking lots indicates that any business or facility offering public services is obligated to provide accessible spaces.

You must follow carefully several rules for the government to consider your property log ADA compliant:

  • Accessible parking spaces for vehicles must have a minimum 60-inch wide access aisle to accommodate wheelchairs
  • Accessible spaces must be identified with a sign and the appropriate symbol applied to the pavement
  • Every lot must have a van-accessible space
  • In larger lots, one of every eight accessible parking spaces must be van-accessible
  • Van-accessible spaces must have 96-inch aisles and signs marking the space as van-accessible

Consider Reflective Asphalt Striping for Increased Visibility

It’s important for customers to see their parking spaces clearly in any conditions. To maximize visibility, especially if your parking garage is not brightly lit, you may want to use reflective paint for your parking garage restriping.

Extreme Weather Will Degrade Paint Lines Faster

Damp and freezing weather can degrade your parking garage striping considerably faster than it would in temperate environments; if you live in very humid or cold climates, your parking garage needs to be restriped more frequently.

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